In October 2019, the Deutsches Textilmuseum in Krefeld welcomed us for a congress themed in accordance with a special exhibition on colours and dyestuffs. Papers and gallery talks opened up new perspectives and encouraged lively discussions among the participants. Excursions to Cologne, Aix-la-Chapelle and Simpelveld allowed for exciting discoveries in museums collections and church treasuries in the area.
During the congress, 26 papers considered Dyeing Textiles in Antiquity – Written Sources and Archaeological Evidence, Meaningful Colours – Significance and Symbolic Value, Colours in the Interior – Furnishing Textiles and Tapestries, Colours and Dystuffs in East Asia, Colours in Dress and Fashion and Tradition and Modernity – Dyestuffs of the 19th and 20th Centuries. You can download the complete programme here.
You can also download the abstracts of the papers presented; if you wish for further information, do not hesitate to contact the author.