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A Colloquium in Memory of Nello Forti Grazzini (1954-2021).
Rome, Academia Belgica, 24-26 October 2022
24 lecturers from 7 countries /24 intervenants de 7 pays.
Organizers/ Organisateurs: Guy Delmarcel & Koenraad Brosens.
Contact for /pour inscriptions : guy.delmarcel@skynet.be

Dear All,
our dear colleague Dr. Nello Forti Grazzini, passed away on October 29, 2021, in Milano, at the age of 66, after a long battle against cancer. Needless to tell you how much we all are indebted from his numerous and authoritative publications in the field of tapestries. Immediately after the announcement of his death, several colleagues raised the question of how we best could honor his memory. As so many of his discoveries and publications were devoted to ancient tapestries from the Southern Netherlands, an event on this theme appeared to me and to Koenraad Brosens an appropriate way. We therefore contacted Dr. Sabine Van Sprang, the actual director of the Academia Belgica in Rome, an institution focused on the historic and artistic relations between Belgium and Italy. She agreed to house such a meeting on this theme, to be held in two study days, on 24-26 October 2022.

With my best Greetings,
Guy Delmarcel