On-line Introduction to Sprang class, taught by Carol James
Monday evenings, noon to 14:00 Central time in North America, that’s 17:00 – 19:00 in the UK, and 18:00 – 20:00 in Lyon.
Carol James has been teaching sprang for over ten years. Since the start of COVID she has learned to teach on-line and was amazed to see how effective the platform can be. Indeed the advantage of learning sprang on-line is that you see the instructor’s hands close up and the instruction can be spread over several weeks. You have the time to reflect and practice the first step before going on to the next step. Classes are recorded and available to you on a special web page, so you can watch over and over.
When teaching in person, Carol aways prepared the frame ahead of time. Instructions for warping make more sense after you have some experience working with the technique. For this reason, there is a material fee to the class which includes shipping of a frame, already set up and ready to go. We explore the interlinking stitch, a number of surface designs, ways to set up the frame for flat warp and circular warp, and a variety of finishing techniques.
Carol has been teaching this class at a time that is convenient for North Americans, and now has been asked for a class at a reasonable hour for Europeans. Beginning January 9, she will teach an Introduction to Sprang class that will run for six consecutive Mondays.
For more information, and to register, go to the registration desk on the SprangLady website
The price is in Canadian dollars. The materials kit (sprang frame, book, DVD, and numerous other other bits) will be shipped from the UK.